Monday, November 26, 2012


*Your Main Girl loves Some Nights by FUN. Shut up.
Don't get YMG's MG wrong, this is not what she would typically select from her iTunes, but she can't get enough of this song. Your Main Girl and Your Main Girl's Main Girl don't even understand the part at the end where he says something about missing his mom and dad and his nephew's eyes, but it sounds really precious. The music video doesn't make any sense either-but we like it, because who doesn't like a guy who can sing, especially one in a war uniform? The beat also changes so often it feels like you're listening to a new song every 45 seconds. 

Next time you're pre-gaming with your besties4lyfe and are trying not to fall asleep bc you're still hungover from the night before, put on Some Nights, there is no shame in it, Your Main Girl's Main Girl said so. 

*This has been a guest post by YMG's MG

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